University of Idaho Drone Lab
The Drone Lab was created to coordinate and support the use of drones for research and teaching at the University of Idaho.
The mission of the University of Idaho Drone Lab is to serve as a hub for drone-related activities and provide a pool of drones, sensors, equipment, software, and knowledge to support the use of drones in high-quality research and teaching across all University departments.
The Drone Lab serves its mission by providing:

A primary role of the Drone Lab is to provide a pool of shared-use equipment to support the use of drones in research and teaching. This is not just drones! It includes supporting equipment too like battery chargers, GNSS surveying equipment, generators and power stations, and more.
The Drone Lab is a University of Idaho Service Center. That means we can provide drone flight and data analysis services for projects, both within the UI and for external partners. The Service Center allows us to charge grant indexes for drone services to support the lab’s equipment and staff.
Knowledge Resources
A key value of the Drone Lab is the collective knowledge of all the people involved with it. This section compiles some of the wisdom gained by the many people who have been affiliated with the Drone Lab over the years.