Drone Lab Faculty

Jason W. Karl, Ph.D.

Professor & Harold F. and Ruth M. Heady Endowed Chair of Rangeland Ecology
Lead PI, Drone Lab
Director, The Rangeland Center

Dr. Karl’s Drone Publications

Shrestha, A., Hicke, J. A., Meddens, A. J. H., Karl, J. W., & Stahl, A. T. (2024). Evaluating a Novel Approach to Detect the Vertical Structure of Insect Damage in Trees Using Multispectral and Three-Dimensional Data from Drone Imagery in the Northern Rocky Mountains, USA. Remote Sensing, 16(8), 1365. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs16081365 Cite
Harrison, G. R., Shrestha, A., Strand, E. K., & Karl, J. W. (2024). A comparison and development of methods for estimating shrub volume using drone‐imagery‐derived point clouds. Ecosphere, 15(5), e4877. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.4877 Cite
Cunliffe, A. M., Anderson, K., Boschetti, F., Brazier, R. E., Graham, H. A., Myers‐Smith, I. H., Astor, T., Boer, M. M., Calvo, L. G., Clark, P. E., Cramer, M. D., Encinas‐Lara, M. S., Escarzaga, S. M., Fernández‐Guisuraga, J. M., Fisher, A. G., Gdulová, K., Gillespie, B. M., Griebel, A., Hanan, N. P., … Wojcikiewicz, R. (2021). Global application of an unoccupied aerial vehicle photogrammetry protocol for predicting aboveground biomass in non‐forest ecosystems. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, rse2.228. https://doi.org/10.1002/rse2.228 Cite
Zhang, J., Okin, G. S., Zhou, B., & Karl, J. W. (2021). UAV‐derived imagery for vegetation structure estimation in rangelands: validation and application. Ecosphere, 12(11). https://doi.org/10/gnkd2p Cite
Hellman, I., Heinse, R., Karl, J. W., & Corrao, M. (2020). Detection of Terracettes in Semi-Arid Rangelands Using Fourier-Based Image Analysis of Very High-Resolution Satellite Imagery: Detection of Terracettes Using Fourier-Based Image Analysis. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.4971 Cite
Whiting, M., Salley, S. W., James, D. K., Karl, J. W., & Brungard, C. W. (2020). Rapid bulk density measurement using mobile device photogrammetry. Soil Science Society of America Journal, saj2.20063. https://doi.org/10.1002/saj2.20063 Cite
Karl, J. W., Yelich, J. V., Ellison, M. J., & Lauritzen, D. (2020). Estimates of Willow (Salix Spp.) Canopy Volume using Unmanned Aerial Systems. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 73(4), 531–537. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2020.03.001 Cite Download
Gillan, J. K., Karl, J. W., & van Leeuwen, W. J. D. (2020). Integrating drone imagery with existing rangeland monitoring programs. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 192(5), 269. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-020-8216-3 Cite
Gillan, J., Karl, J., Elaksher, A., & Duniway, M. (2017). Fine-Resolution Repeat Topographic Surveying of Dryland Landscapes Using UAS-Based Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry: Assessing Accuracy and Precision against Traditional Ground-Based Erosion Measurements. Remote Sensing, 9(5), 437. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs9050437 Cite
Gillan, J. K., Karl, J. W., Barger, N. N., Elaksher, A., & Duniway, M. C. (2016). Spatially Explicit Rangeland Erosion Monitoring Using High-Resolution Digital Aerial Imagery. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 69(2), 95–107. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2015.10.012 Cite
Karl, J. W., Gillan, J. K., Barger, N. N., Herrick, J. E., & Duniway, M. C. (2014). Interpretation of high-resolution imagery for detecting vegetation cover composition change after fuels reduction treatments in woodlands. Ecological Indicators, 45, 570–578. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.05.017 Cite
Steinwurtzel, M. R., Karl, J. W., & Kennedy, B. (in prep). Mapping the Thermal Flow: Best Practices in River and Riparian Temperature Monitoring  with TIR Imagery. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. Cite