Drone and Data Services

As a University of Idaho Service Center, the Drone Lab can provide drone equipment, pilots, drone flight services, and drone data analyses for other projects and grants – both within the UI and with partners.

Current Drone Lab Services

Basic Drone FlightsFlights using smaller & less expensive drones with RGB imagery. Generally pretty quick and easy and does not require much prep time or pilot experience.Hourly
Advanced Drone FlightsFlights with bigger drones or specialized sensors. Requires additional work for setup, calibration, etc.Hourly
GPS/GNSS SurveysGPS/GNSS surveys occurring separately from drone flightsHourly
Image Processing & AnalysisProcessing of drone images captured through our flight services or provided directly by customers.Hourly
Training & EducationHosting of drone-related trainings or consulting services to plan, set-up or support a drone imaging project.Hourly
Equipment Rental – Basic Drones (UI only)Rental of basic drone equipment or GPS devices for projects where personnel meet minimum training/proficiency requirements.Daily
Equipment Rental – Advanced Drones (UI only)*Rental of specialized drone equipment for projects that have trained/qualified personnel capable of managing and maintaining the equipment.Daily
TravelReimbursement for actual travel expenses for Lab servicesCost
Current Drone Lab services, effective Jan 2024
* Advanced drone equipment rental requires verification of training and pilot experience