UAS Operations Class (REM 476)
March 19 @ 8:00 am – May 7 @ 5:00 pm UTC+0
This course is designed to introduce students to regulations, policies, and best practices for safely operating UAS. Students will have weekly opportunities to fly different types of drones and gain proficiency as a drone pilot. A thorough understanding of the material presented in this course will prepare students for taking the FAA Part 107 Remote Pilot Examination. This is an late 8-week course that will start after spring break and go through the end of the semester. Classes will meet Wednesdays from 3:00pm to 5:00pm. Location TBD.

The objectives of this course are to provide students with a solid understanding of regulations and policies associated with UAS and the various factors contributing to safe and successful drone flights. This course will help you gain proficiency in safe drone operations and a foundation of knowledge in:
- FAA Part 107 regulations and material related to National Airspace and other topics appearing on the FAA Remote Pilot Exam
- University of Idaho policies and procedures for flying drones for University research, teaching, and other activities.
- Best practices for drone flights and mission planning for successful mission.
Jason Karl